growth mindset

Future of Learning

Building a Learner Variability Mindset

By: Tiffany Wycoff. LINC's Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer explains that to build a learner variability mindset, we must implement a new equation for teaching that includes strategically planning for variability beyond skill level.

SEL & Mindset

Beware of Bias and Value Variability As You Promote Persistence

Tom Vander Ark explores persistence and shares ACT’s holistic framework’s value determination of “ability to sustain effort” as an important predictor for education and work success. Learn more on the blog he unpacks valuable lessons along his journey that defined the power of persistence.

Future of Learning

T³ Alliance: Developing “Solutionary” Mindsets

Mindset meets design thinking through project-based learning, resulting in a community coming together to solve real issues. Rebecca shares her instructor training experience with T³ Alliance and their organized collaboration between Upward Bound programs across the nation.

Equity & Access

The Educational Implications of Michelle Obama’s Becoming

Erin Gohl and Kristen Thorson share insights from Michelle Obama’s biography, Becoming, and how parents, teachers and mentors supported her education. Read as they share her mission to provide educational structures, policies, and programs that show all students that they matter.

SEL & Mindset

Mindset, and the Power of “Yet”

For me, the “Power of Yet” poster has been a powerful strategy. Such a simple reminder to persevere can be the difference between a student who gives up and one who routinely concludes that understanding will come with more effort, questions, or use of additional strategies.

Future of Learning

Save The Planet–Starting Today

If we have a list of the issues that will shape the future--an earth owner’s manual--when and how should we introduce them to young people? What does it mean to be really ready and why should we be encouraging young people to engage with the world’s most important issue? Tom Vander Ark answers these questions and more.