Data Science

Future of Learning

Driving Innovation: Accelerators

By: Norton Gusky. Norton shares more about The CoSN K-12 Driving Innovation Series with three reports - Hurdles, Accelerators, and Tech Enablers.


Three Ongoing Trends in Education Data

Three ideas that continue to gain momentum in the use of education data are interoperability, meta-analysis, and continuous improvement--these shifts can make data usage easier, more widely applicable, and more effective, respectively. Learn more here.

Competency-Based Education

How IMS is Leading on Interoperability and Credentialing

Plumbing--you don’t think about it, but can’t imagine life without it. In education, data is now the plumbing, and IMS Global Learning Consortium is the leading standards-setting body. Here, we look at some big announcements from a recent event they hosted.


How We Increased Teachers’ Data Use Without Data Overload

By: Debbie Clark and Stephanie Williamson. The problem is not that schools aren’t collecting enough information about student performance. It’s that teachers have too much data. It’s overwhelming for them. They don’t know what data points to focus on—and they don’t have time to be combing through massive amounts of data to figure out what students need.