
Getting Smart Podcast | Reclaiming the Classroom with America’s Teachers

The most important work in education occurs in schools and, more specifically, in classrooms. In his new book 'Reclaiming the Classroom: How America’s Teachers Lost Control of Education and How They Can Get It Back; Trenton Goble connects with readers through sharing candid and powerful stories of his own time teaching and leading schools as a principal.

Difference Making

Getting Smart Podcast | Student Voice: A Catalyst for Personalized Learning

At its core, the purpose of the personalized learning framework is to open student pathways and to encourage student voice in their education. As we shift to next-gen education models, ones that place students at the center and in control of learning, student voice can serve as a catalyst for this change.

Personalized Learning

Getting Smart Podcast | The Future of Blended Learning

In this episode we look to the future of blended learning, from the current issue of its multiple definitions to schools leading in next-gen models, from the importance of blended and personalized learning for educators to the growing importance of having a guiding vision for implementation.

Personalized Learning

Getting Smart Podcast | Why Growth Mindset Matters

In this episode of the Getting Smart Podcast, sponsored by iNACOL, we talk with Edurado Briceño, co-founder & CEO of Mindset Works, and personalized learning students from RB Stall High School from Charleston, SC about growth mindset.

Personalized Learning

Getting Smart Podcast | Santa Ana Unified School District

Santa Ana Unified School District serves a high need southern California community with three important innovations. In this episode we talk with Santa Ana USD's Deputy Superintendent David Haglund about the forward-learning work of the district and the Advanced Learning Academy.