iowa big
Microschools Can Lead to Macro Change
Microschools have numerous benefits for students and a macro impact on the communities they exist within.
Time to Redesign is NOW
By: Kelly Young. Millions of families are being exposed to the possibility of mixing and matching their child’s learning experiences by combining both local and globally accessible opportunities.
To Reopen, America Needs Laboratory Schools
Eric and Erin discuss how laboratory schools are, and will continue to be, necessary to research and develop a more equitable future for all learners.
Where High School Starts with Leadership and Design Thinking
Imagine a high school that started with design thinking and leadership training. Imagine having the opportunity to prototype a solution to a community problem and earn a provisional patent. For students at a Kansas City high school, it's a reality.
Making a BIG Difference: Unleashing Talent, Inspiring Innovators
Iowa BIG connects students to their communities, enabling the learning of core academics and 21st century skills through real-world projects.
The Best Impact Story in Education Keeps Getting Better
Curriculum Associates is the best edtech success story in America, in several ways. Eleven years ago, Rob Waldron took the helm of a small New England workbook publisher and turned it into a digital learning leader. The flagship adaptive instructional product, i-Ready, is now serving…
Contribution: Schools Alive with Possibility
Tom Vander Ark discusses the importance of schools providing a focus on contribution through challenges and design thinking. Students have the power to address real-world problems as they embrace complexities associated with the future of work and contribute to their community.
Getting Started with High School Redesign
Thinking about high school redesign? We've assembled a great reading list to get you started.
Place-Based Education Anchors Learning in the Community
David Ross explains how in Place-Based Education the nature of a place determines the culture of the classroom to an extraordinary degree.
Building Student Civic Engagement through Sustainability Education
By: Anisa Heming. The need for student-centered sustainability education is becoming clearer by the day. Young people who understand and can respond to changes in our natural environment and the stresses they place on our communities will be leaders now and in the future.