iowa big
Educators Field Guide to Preparing for Web3: 3 Steps You Can Take Today, to be Ready for Tomorrow
Though web3 is still in its infancy, there are trends emerging that can help guide us towards practices that can help us prepare young people for the next generation of the web.
Understanding Opportunity Costs in Education
Opportunity costs need to be calculated in education and those calculations must be focused on the learners, not the school or system.
What Could You Do with 5 Additional Hours of Time with Students Each Day?
Trace Pickering pens the final piece of a three-part series on valuing learner time.
Students Are Calling BS on High School and Opportunity Knocks
Schools talk a lot about personalizing learning, of meeting kids where they are, and yet we see most high schools continue forward with prescribed, discipline-specific courses that continues to isolate disciplines from one another despite the fact that they are highly interrelated.
Perfection is a 2nd Rate Idea
Education does not need perfection, standardization of humans, and measures without much meaning. We need human-centered systems focused on growth.
Schools Alive With Possibility
Are schools alive with possibility? Tom explores four hopeful emerging K-12 education trends.
Best Podcasts for Leaders in Education
The Getting Smart team is passionate about redefining and reimagining leadership. Here are the best podcasts to help you in your day-to-day leadership role.
Students as Coauthors of Learning: A Resources Guide
By inviting learners to coauthor experiences we help them build the most important skills and dispositions they’ll need to succeed in a changing world. Tom shares coauthoring resources for project-based learning, teacher tools and competencies, a list of systems that are best in class.
New Changemaking Strategy Energizes Real World Learning in Kansas City
The Real World Learning Initiative is centered around value community-connected projects, internships, entrepreneurial experiences, college credit, and industry-recognized credentials supported by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, in an effort to mobilize regional high school transformation.
How Schools Can Promote Vaccination and Address Hesitancy: A 10-Point Plan that Puts Equity First
Public schools can play a critical role in helping the United States achieve herd immunity against COVID-19. Find out more in this comprehensive 10 point plan.