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Relax. It is You . . . And Them
Yes, it all happened. Everything we feared would come true did to some degree. We had students that got off task in class and missed the assignments or the lecture or the project. We had students download music in the hallways between classes so they could listen to it in the next period. We had students at home not doing the work they didn't due in class because they were playing games, or on Facebook, or tweeting, or listening. Yes, it all happened.
Smart List: 30 STEM Networks & Maker Resources
Today we are celebrating 10 great state STEM networks, 10 STEM networks/resources, and 10 maker resources. What would you add to the list?
The Conservative Case for Higher Common Standards
Highlighting the support of most current and many former Republican governors, conservatives launched a website yesterday in support of Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
SMARTtech Roundup: Blended Learning to Big Data
Dell is on the case. The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is releasing a series of case studies on blended learning models that examine five school and charter management operators' implementation of blended learning. Five organizations across the nation participated in the case studies: Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools, Firstline Schools, KIPP LA, Rocketship Education, and Summit Public Schools. The studies examine each organization's instructional and operational approaches to blended learning, and offer a high-level overview of each model's potential financial implications.
SMARTtech Roundup: From Blended Learning to Big Data
Blended Schools & Tools Blended Schools Sprouting. Vail Blended Learning is a new blended middle school in Arizona that uses laptops as its main learning tool using online content developed by K12 Inc., e2020, and VBL Curriculum and Instruction. Students have a flexible daily schedule and move through…