student voice

Project-Based Learning

Expanding Our Notion of Student Agency

Student agency from a sociocultural perspective has as much to do with external factors that shape experiences and possibilities as it does with internal attributes. Read more from one of our regular columnists on why it's time to expand our notion of student agency.

Future of Learning

New School Formula: Harder Problems and Fewer Answers

Artificial Intelligence will have more influence on the livelihoods of young people over the next several decades than any other factor. To contribute now and in the future, they will need extended challenges that encourage them to build agency while solving harder problems with fewer answers.

Difference Making

Cultivating An Innovation Mindset in the Classroom

According to GenDIY, people who have innovation mindsets possess qualities such as “perseverance, initiative, collaboration, tenacity, and curiosity.” How can classroom teachers give students opportunities to develop an innovation mindset and build these important skills? Jamie Back offers a few ideas.

Competency-Based Education

Getting Students to Take Control

Getting students to “buy-in” and take control of their learning starts with seeing them as individuals and understanding each of them has different motives, beliefs and goals. Here are a few ideas to consider to help them start.