

Using Popular Motivational Theories to Evaluate Digital Tools

By Dr. Rachel Schechter - Edtech providers are rapidly developing and launching programs. That is potentially great news, but not when that rapid development reflects quantity over quality. Keeping best practices in mind when deciding on digital tools puts both educators and students on surer footing.

Personalized Learning

Leading A Student-Centered Agenda: 10 Lessons from Mark Benigni

Meriden Public Schools is located in a small Connecticut urban center, and is recognized as a leader in blended and online learning with an impressive vision of Student-Centered Learning. In this week's episode of the Getting Smart Podcast, Tom speaks with Dr. Mark Benigni about his key advice for district leaders.

Future of Work

The Future of Work Is the Future of Lifelong Learning

In order to engrain the habits of metacognition and continuous improvement into both ourselves and those we serve, we need actionable behaviors that we can personally model before we will be able to develop structures and cultures that will encourage those skills.


10 Tips for Smarter EdTech Purchasing

When a market is growing as quickly as the educational technology industry is, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the volume of competing companies and products. These ten tips can help wade through the options.