family engagement
Not Your Cupcake Sale: Parental Involvement that Drives Learning
By: Arina Bokas. What type of involvement really affects learning? Here's a look at the state of parent involvement spawned from recent story of Dee Heinz – a Texas mom who came up with a humorous flyer asking families to donate money in lieu of time-consuming fundraisers.
10 Tips for Parents + Teachers To Activate Powerful Learning This Year
It’s Back to School Time, so how can parents and educators work together to activate powerful learning? Here are 10 tips to get the collaboration off to the right start this school year.
8 Ways Educators Help Parents Promote Powerful Learning
As we look to the new school year, we must recognize that parents have a strong desire to be advocates for their children, in partnership with teachers and EdLeaders. The path forward and beyond exists, and is inspired by over 60 parents represented in our new book.
Parental Involvement in Schools Matters: A Teacher’s Perspective
Student success happens when families, students and educators work together and holistically approach a child’s education, focusing on a child’s academic, social, and emotional needs.
Bridging the Gap from Living Room to Classroom: FreshGrade
What if the communication line between parent and educator was truly open? Enter FreshGrade, a Learning Collaboration System that helps educators document student learning and progress through photo, video, work samples, and more.
Beyond Information: Engaging Parents (and Students) in Choosing Great Schools
The Thomas B. Fordham Institute recently partnered with GreatSchools in asking -- "What is the future of parent Information?" with the premise that it’s not enough to just inform parents, but that we have a responsibility to engage parents and students.
Preparing for Conversations with Parents
Designing conversations with parents about their student's academic levels, pace, and progress in competency-based education and helping parents and their students appreciate the value of personalized learning. emphasis on personalized learning based on where students are in their learning
What Would Real Community Engagement Look Like?
By: Preston Smith. By taking the time to build a real relationship with parents like Maria and encouraging them to see their own leadership capacity, schools can become catalysts of broader community transformations.
Are Students Ready To Learn? Ask Their Parents
The research is undeniable that parent involvement in student academic success matters. It is more predictive than socioeconomic status by a multiple of 2 – 10 times. The benefits of parent engagement are vast: it not only drives academic performance but improves student emotional well-being, induces better student classroom behavior, and improves school attendance.
10 Ways to Ensure Parents Won’t Need to Ask ‘What Did You Do at School Today?’
I think parents don’t like it, or, at the very least, get annoyed when they ask their children, “what did you do at school today?” and the answer is “nothing.” (I actually know this to be true, not from statistics or action research, but because I am a mom and this is usually what my kids answer when I ask and I get annoyed).