english language learners
Open Up: High Quality Standards-Aligned Math Curriculum
The newly launched nonprofit Open Up Resources offers openly licensed, standards-aligned educational resources that are accessible to all students, regardless of first language or special needs.
Dual Language Education for Equity & Economic Development
Dual language programs not only improve academic outcomes for both ELLs and English speakers, but can also help them obtain a competitive advantage in the growing global marketplace.
10 Popular Apps for English Language Learners and Teachers
By: Sophia Sanchez. The market is full of apps that make any classroom an interesting place for both students and teachers. Here is a list of 10 popular apps recommended for English Language Learners and teachers from an ELL teacher.
Denver Public Schools Partners with KIPP Colorado for Student Success
As we witnessed on our recent school tour in Denver, the state's educational options are improving and getting much more interesting, including a partnership between DPS and KIPP. Here are a few examples from the schools we visited.
Supporting English Language Learners with Next-Gen Tools
Supporting ELLs, and ultimately all students, involves multiple strategies, professional learning and environmental support. It also means providing next-gen and technological tools that can support language acquisition.
Supporting English Language Learners with Next-Gen Tools
Supporting English Language Learners with Next-Gen Tools, provides a landscape overview of tools and strategies to support English Language Learners (ELLs). The publication includes expert contributions from educators and thought leaders and the 10 elements of next-gen language learning.
20 Math and ELA Tools that Support English Language Learners
As part of our #SupportELL series, we have summarized some products, services and tools that support English Language Learners (ELLs) and their teachers.
EdTech 10: Dollars, Deals and Developments
This week’s EdTech 10 is overflowing with news of dollars, deals and developments in EdTech, as well as new resources for policy and practice.
Incorporating Tech to Support English Language Learners
By: Bill King. English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools are generating a lot of excitement over how they are transforming learning and changing the culture in their classrooms by integrating technology.
Meeting the Needs of English Learners in Big LA Schools
Meeting the needs of English Learners requires innovative approaches such as the ones being implemented by Veronica Melvin and her team at LA's Promise. Among those are bringing high quality tools, family and community supports and blended learning to reach the growing numbers of English learners in the area.