english language learners
7 Best Listening Resources for Language Learners
By: Peter McGovern. The ability to listen is a crucial skill for many things in life, but especially for anyone learning another language. A world language teacher shares seven listening resources he has found successful when teaching language learners of all levels.
Can Dual Language Programs Support English Language Learners?
By: Meg Van Voorhis. Dual language immersion programs support both native Spanish speakers and native English speakers in becoming bilingual, bicultural and biliterate.
Supporting English Language Learners with Formative Assessments
By: Sarah Ottow. By implementing formative assessments for ELLs, educators can develop a “language lens” that uncovers and showcases the growth of this culturally and linguistically diverse population.
4 Ways to Use Project-Based Learning to Support English Language Learners
A growing number of educators are using innovative project-based learning approaches to teach English through content and through the use of comprehensible input. Leading educators explain why and how they are doing this in classrooms across the United States.
Transforming Teaching and Learning at an Early Age: EPISD Early Childhood Integration Model
By: Tim Holt. The El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) is working towards a districtwide dual language approach where students learn their content in equal parts English and Spanish. Nowhere is this change more evident than in EPISD’s Early Childhood Technology Integration Program.
How World Language Learning and Global Competence Complement Each Other
By: Meriwynn Mansori. By focusing world language programs on building students’ proficiency and global competence, we can use existing educational infrastructure to provide high-quality, meaningful language learning experiences to larger populations of students. Here is what it takes.
The 6 Keys to Building a Community of Readers
By: Dr. Ruben Alejandro. A superintendent shares his approach to literacy, which includes providing free books for preschoolers, striving for universal connectivity and partnering with local businesses.
EdTech Products Supporting ELL
Globalization means more interaction between native speakers of different languages, and continued U.S. immigration means more English Language Learners (ELL). Both are served by the expansion of mobile access, the explosion of EdApps and the rise of machine learning. Here are nearly 100 programs and apps we reviewed over the last month that can benefit ELLs in some way.
Why PD for ELL Educators Matters
Personalized, professional learning is absolutely essential for teachers who serve unique student populations like English Language Learners (ELL). ELL students face the unique learning challenge of developing skills and content mastery while simultaneously acquiring a new language--often when their native language is not yet fully mastered. This means that teachers must also simultaneously meet these instructional goals.
4 Parent Engagement Strategies for English Language Learners
By: Meriwynn Mansori. It takes time and effort to nurture relationships with the families of English language learners. But as parents understand you as an advocate for their child’s success, your investment will pay off.