Post-secondary is a shifting space — four year degrees may not always be the fit and new alternatives are being created at an alarming rate. This topic encompasses everything from higher ed to adult learning and workforce pipelines and development.
COVID Could Worsen Summer Melt: How Some Colleges Are Responding
By: Dennis Pierce. To ensure that as many first-year students as possible enroll in classes, colleges and universities are using campus apps, virtual orientation sessions, and other innovative methods to engage with newly admitted learners.
Preparing for the Future: Career and College Ready
Rachelle Dene Poth shares resources for supporting students as they explore careers and prepare for the future after high school.
Where Can You Make the Biggest Difference?
Strengths and interests dominate our career choices, but what would happen if we added effective altruism in the mix?
Should Skills Training Replace Higher Education?
Here are four new rules for today's high school students who are considering their next move to college or career.
Kansas City High Schools Add Real-World Learning
The largest effort to make high school more valuable—to young people and their communities—is underway in the six-county, two-state Kansas City metro area.
Does College Still Pay? Seven New Rules for Making a Good College Choice
In the last post of this series, Tom Vander Ark and the Getting Smart team identify seven new rules for choosing college (or not).
How to Fix Higher Education: Seven Keys
In the second post of this series, Tom Vander Ark delivers seven key strategies to achieving higher education success.
Leading the Show What You Know Revolution: Digital Credentials From Credly
With a mission is to connect people to opportunities based on their talents, Credly is leading the way by offering digital credentials that are flexible, portable and meaningful ways to communicate capabilities.
Engineering Good in the World
The Humanitarian Engineering (HE) program at the Colorado School of Mines brings together engineering and social science professors to transform the ways engineers are taught to think, define and solve problems with communities.
Promoting Pathways to Good Jobs: Strada Education Network
National non-profit, Strada Education Network, focuses on adult learners, underrepresented populations, low-income and first-generation students through increased career preparation that lie in high-demand career pathways. Tom shares their focused path to supporting the future of work.