Getting Through

Getting Smart has launched the Getting Through series to support educators, leaders and families on the path forward during such an uncertain time. This series will provide resources and inspiration as we face long term school closures, new learning environments, and address equity and access from a new lens. Whether you are just getting started with distance or online learning, or you’ve had plans in place and have the opportunity to share your work and guidance with others, there is a place for your voice and an opportunity to learn.

Future of Learning

Seeds Of Opportunity In Crisis

By: Erin Lynn Raab. In this moment of multiple crises lie the seeds of opportunity. This in-between moment offers us a chance to ask what these crises have taught us about who we are, who we want to be, and what we want to be the “normal” to which we return. There are seeds of opportunity in crises—but what conditions do we need to create to allow them to sprout?