Equity & Access

Equity and access follows schools, frameworks and leaders who put equity at the center of what they do to create a level playing field for all students and remove any implicit bias in the curriculum or way that it’s taught. In a time of highlighted inequities, this is the most important work in education.

Equity & Access

More Personal Means More Equitable and Just

By: Jim Shelton. There is growing evidence that when education is truly personalized, the shift can be profound, blowing away the expected “bell curve” that dictates a handful of failure, a bit of excellence, and a bunch of mediocrity in between.

Ed Policy

Capitalism that Works for Everyone

An innovation economy will produce tremendous benefit and wealth--and both will be concentrated unless we decide otherwise. To extend US leadership in the innovation economy we’ll need to update our form of capitalism.

Equity & Access

A Research-Based Reason to Hope

By: Kristin Cuilla. Over five years of research and a variety of data sources have culminated into a new research report that truly documents how the school model is making a difference in the lives of students from every type of background.