Equity & Access

Equity and access follows schools, frameworks and leaders who put equity at the center of what they do to create a level playing field for all students and remove any implicit bias in the curriculum or way that it’s taught. In a time of highlighted inequities, this is the most important work in education.

Equity & Access

The Educational Implications of Michelle Obama’s Becoming

Erin Gohl and Kristen Thorson share insights from Michelle Obama’s biography, Becoming, and how parents, teachers and mentors supported her education. Read as they share her mission to provide educational structures, policies, and programs that show all students that they matter.

Equity & Access

What Happens When We Do School Better?

By: Doris Korda. Doris explains how students in the Columbus City Schools have the option to participate in Options for Success (OFS) to avoid missing out on valuable learning opportunities.

Equity & Access

Advancing Equity Through Innovation: 7 Noteworthy Approaches From Brooklyn LAB

Brooklyn LAB is built on the premise that we need to prepare all students to one-day hold jobs that likely don’t exist yet. However, by mastering skills such as problem-solving and conflict resolution, students will be ready to tackle those new challenges, regardless of their career path. LAB embraces seven innovative approaches to educate scholars and advance equity.

Equity & Access

Representation Matters

A new study shows, once again, the significant role of teachers of color – and the significant gap in the presence of teachers of color – in American schools.