student voice
Want More Student Engagement? Ditch the Tests.
By: S. Tippins. Going test-free can be difficult for students and educators. However, ditching tests can actually up student engagement and learning.
Empowering Students Through Choice, Voice and Action
By: Kristen Thorson and Erin Gohl. Children should have the choice to contribute their voice to our social and civic dialogue. Here’s how teachers and parents can create a space for kids to develop their thoughts, share their opinions, and take action.
Learning to Make a Difference at One Stone
One Stone believes that learners in every environment can find their voice and use it for good. Here's how its high school students are impacting communities, pursuing passions, and thinking globally.
11 Alternative Schools that are Real Alternatives
Trying to push all kids through a content-centric, compliance-oriented model just won’t work. A variety of alternative approaches have been attempted; here are a few approaches educators have to develop for youth that haven’t been successful in traditional schools.
A Lesson We Keep Relearning: It’s All About Relationships
Good schools build relationships into their structure, culture and practices. Strong relationships build a sense of belonging, they cultivate success skills, and they promote achievement. Strong relationships today makes possible a lifetime of success.
Build Support, Innovate, Repeat: Agile Public Education in Colorado
By: Tom Vander Ark. With thoughtful sustained leadership, big school districts can earn community trust, establish and maintain rigorous academic standards, and become agile—even innovative. This is one district's story.
Why Schools Need Signature Learning Experiences
Signature experiences and signature building blocks can promote model efficacy, prioritize important outcomes for students and serve to differentiate schools and networks.
Can Learning Be Both Powerful and Boring?
By: David Ross A couple of weeks ago, I opened the door to my new classroom and faced a line of sixth graders eager to meet their teacher. I don’t know who was more nervous: me or them. This was my 11th year of teaching, so the nerves should seem…
Kahoot!: Kid’s Game That All the Fortune 500 Companies Use
By: Tom Vander Ark & Rachelle Dene Poth Launched in 2013 at SXSWedu, quiz platform Kahoot! was a hit; it spread virally. Now, more than half of U.S. teachers and students use Kahoot! But you probably knew that. What you may not know (we certainly didn’t) is…
How Schools Can Cultivate Courage in the Face of Fear
By: Tyler S. Thigpen Audrey felt the blood draining from her face. As a tenth-grader studying American literature, she’d experienced this sensation many times before. She’d read the book. Of course she’d read the book. And when her teacher asked the class a question about the conclusion, she looked straight…