network effect
Getting Clearer: Educator Movements
This part of the #GettingClearer blog series shares educator movements. These nation-wide communities empower innovative education work.
Leadership Development and the Power of Networks at Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders
The Neubauer Fellowship in Educational Leadership, the signature program of Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders, has demonstrated success in providing support and a local network to school principals across Philadelphia.
A Proposal to End Standardized Testing
Standardized testing and its lack of integration with formative measures, continues to receive backlash as we continue the shift to digital learning. Tom Vander Ark shares an approach on how states can develop better systems and the power of diploma networks to accurately capture whole student growth and achievement.
The Shift to Innovation Through the Power of Networks
Our latest report, How to Innovate: Options for School Districts explores innovation opportunities and identifies New Tech Network as an exemplar design partner for comprehensive school change.