Maker Education

Personalized Learning

Mini Maker Faire: Seattle

Last weekend, the third Seattle Mini Maker Faire took over the EMP museum in Seattle Center and filled it inside and out with neat things. Billed as a place where "people show what they are making, and share what they are learning," the all-ages faire featured some fantastic projects. A few of my favorites:

Personalized Learning

Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Lots of folks are talking about grit, but perseverance and growth mindset as a goal can be disconnected from a sense of purpose. Entrepreneurial mindset, as described by the KEEN network, is a more productive way to describe the dispositions we should be helping young people develop.

Personalized Learning

The Do-It-Yourself Movement Goes to School

By: Patricia Gomes. Every movement to innovate in education has a honeymoon phase, when everyone wants to do it. That is exactly where the Maker Movement is. Everyone wants to set up a fab lab, but this could also fade away two years from now if we don’t produce results. That’s why my focus as a researcher is to show the results of this.


Children as Makers

How do you encourage kids to be curious, to build things and take things apart, and to become the designers and engineers of the future? Be supportive! MAKE has a great short video about children as makers by engineering professor and maker mom AnneMarie Thomas.

Personalized Learning

Worlds of Making @ NMHS

At the heart of the vision for my Makerspace is to develop the space and to provide resources and opportunities that will aid in promoting web literacy.