Maker Education


Robots Storm ISTE: 6 Implications

The new thing at ISTE this year was a much expanded display of robots and maker tech. More than 18,000 educators visited with more than 500 EdTech vendors in Philadelphia this week at #ISTE2015.


Making Something of National Week of Making

Andrew Coy, Executive Director at Digital Harbor Foundation, kicked off, an initiative to replicate his success at turning surplus property into a maker hub. The initiative offers a, “New vision for how communities can come together to provide real pathways from classroom to career for today's youth.”

Ed Policy

EdTech 10: Dog Days of Summer

Its been a jam packed summer as education news is heating up around the country. As store shelves slowly replace BBQ equipment and sunscreen with backpacks and school supplies we’re bringing you the top EdTech news of the week to cool you off.

Ed Policy

Career Education: Even College Grads Should be Employable

Parents with boomerang kids in the basement have learned that even college graduates should possess skills and dispositions that make them employable. Young people need access to postsecondary learning and work experiences that will help them develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions for employability.

Personalized Learning

4 Steps to Becoming a Maker Teacher

By: Gayle Allen and Lisa Yokana. There’s a missing link between real-world maker movement popularity and classroom making. But the mystery is solved if you consider that most educators have never learned how to teach making.