Smart List: 30 STEM Networks & Maker Resources

Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with a series of back to school top 10 lists. During August we will run about 40 ‘best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate.
Today we are celebrating 10 great state STEM networks; 10 STEM networks and resources; and 10 maker resources.
State STEM Networks
Educate Texas: Public-private network of 7 T-STEM Centers and 60+ Academies
Ohio STEM Learning Network: anchored by Battelle and Metro, a great Columbus STEM school
NC STEM Learning Network: with a strong statewide collaborator in NC New Schools
Science Foundation Arizona:Â Arizona STEM Network
Many others coming along quickly – let’s call them tied for 10th! For example, the successful new Long Island Regional STEM Hub – that would be the 18th or 19th largest state on its own.
STEM Networks & Resources
Project Lead the Way: 4,700 middle and high schools (see Getting Smart feature)
National Academy Foundation: 460 high schools (see Getting Smart feature)
New Tech Network: 120 high schools (see Getting Smart feature)
National Math and Science Initiative: pre-AP curriculum and training
UTeach Institute:Â fast track STEM teacher preparation/certification
Engineering is Elementary: great K-5 STEM content
STEM Connector: a place for advocates to connect online
Digital Harbor Foundation: see Getting Smart feature on Baltimore
Exploratorium: learning lab on Pier 15 in San Francisco
NASA Education: amazing amount of learning resources
Maker Resources
Maker Education Initiative: start your search here
Maker Faire: a string of big show and tell events
Arduino: open-source electronics prototyping platform
DIY: place for kids to share what they do *
ModKit: democratization programming and engineering
Rasberry Pi: teaches kids all over the world to learn programming
Lego Mindstorms: build and program robots
MakerBot: global leader in desktop in 3D printing
AgentSheets: game design
Imagination Foundation: promoting maker stuff like Caine’s Arcade
What would you add to the list?
Tom is on the Imagination Foundation board. DIY is a portfolio company of Learn Capital where Tom is a partner.
Carolyn Finley
Check out the site for the science non-profit I work for. We are dedicated to bringing STEM education to the developing world. We do this through promoting hands on and constructivist teacher training workshops, computer lab grants for schools, science kits, online STEM related articles written by experts, science lessons, and fun online challenges for our teacher and student community. Hope you enjoy it!
Hi! You should definitely add to your list - it's an awesome national, multi-sector network committed to adding 100,000 new, excellent STEM teachers to classrooms by 2021.