High school


Good Work: Iterating & Innovating At Scale

Four leaders had, by eight years ago, achieved a career crowning accomplishment of running a great school. None were satisfied. Each saw more opportunity to help boost youth success. They viewed blended learning as an chance to innovate and iterate. Unlike superficial Tinkering Toward Utopia, these leaders are engineering powerful learning pathways. Driven by a passion for impact at scale, leaders like Diane, Marcy, Tom and JoAnn are transforming U.S. education.

Personalized Learning

Pondering Urban High School Improvement

“We want people to be perplexed—to embrace the paradox of starting new schools,” said Larry Rosenstock in the opening to the A+ Urban High School Summit in Denver Wednesday. As usually Larry has a rich list of quotes on the subject.

Personalized Learning

PBS: Taste of College Encourages Students to Continue Classes

John Merrow produced a must watch PBS segment on early college high schools in south Texas. Like AP courses, a partnership with a local college allows students to earn college credit in high school. The challenge and the promise encourages more students to stay in school, graduate, and enroll in college. Online learning makes advanced and college credit course offerings more accessible and affordable.

Personalized Learning

Educurious: Engaging Minds & Changing Lives

Educurious set out to make kids work harder, learn more, and love it. With support from the Gates Foundation, the Seattle nonprofit created high school biology and English courses that are compelling and challenging. Results from a handful of pilot sites indicate that it’s working.