
Personalized Learning

My Hour of Code

The usability was just one of many things that I loved about my Hour of Code. The lesson included student choice and chunked information into digestible amounts. I was challenged and engaged, while being provided constant and immediate feedback. And the best part, I was left wanting to know and do more.

Personalized Learning

Do We Really Need to Teach Coding?

“An understanding of coding can provide a strong foundation for many degrees and career paths, including computer science, where there are three times more computing jobs than graduates,” said Annabel Cellini, SVP of Strategic Marketing, Pearson Learning Solutions.


20 Posts to Help Students Learn to Code

The real goal of the Hour of Code is to bring computer science courses into every school, making it part of the math and science core curriculum and already seems to be working. We are already hearing about a lot of growth happening for coding in schools.


Everything is Coming Up Robots

Now I find myself learning and teaching with robots. Where once I was reading through Chaim Potok’s The Chosen asking myself which learning objectives I could met through this text, now I am searching through Youtube videos of robot challenges to find a match for my objectives for the students.

Personalized Learning

Worlds of Making @ NMHS

At the heart of the vision for my Makerspace is to develop the space and to provide resources and opportunities that will aid in promoting web literacy.


Learn What Most Schools Don’t Teach and all the partners behind Computer Science Education Week encourage students, parents, and educators worldwide to engage in computer science. Take a 1 hour course online. Or host it in your classroom. Or ask your school to offer computer science to your children.


Teaching Students to Program in One Hour of Code

According to Time, “the tech sector is set to grow faster than all but five industries by 2020” while offering the best average annual salary, $78,730. That’s a lot of jobs to be filled and a lot of money to be had.