Smart Parents

We spend a lot of our time creating and sharing resources for educators and parents (who are often one and the same audience). Time and time again, we observe that families are left out of the equation when it comes to determining the primary audience for education reports, papers and articles—even though they are among the hungriest for informed opinions that can help them. Smart Parents is a blog series for parents, by parents who are navigating educational opportunities + making powerful decisions for and with their students. Learn more in Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning.


EdTech 10: Thank You For Coming Back

Here are 10 edtech stories about tools and resources we hope will help teachers out a bit this year, so they want to continue coming back and dedicating their time, energy and passion to the growth of our students.


Family Checklist | Is Your Child’s School Student Centered?

In honor of our Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning one year anniversary, here is a checklist for parents who want to learn more about what student-centered learning looks like and whether or not it is happening in their student's school.


How to Motivate Your Student For Back-to-School

By: Letise Dennis. From the youngest to the oldest in your household, they all have unique and individual motivational factors. So this year, when preparing for back-to-school, try these ideas for getting K12 students motivated based on their age.