Schools Worth Visiting

The Getting Smart team visits hundreds of schools each year and is grateful for the opportunity to see high-quality teaching and learning in action. This series features stories of schools that share best practices, lessons learned and next-gen teaching practices that support high-quality, personalized, project-based learning for all students.

Schools Worth Visiting

Don’t Doubt Detroit

There are incredibly dedicated educators and families in Detroit working to revive their schools and communities. The heart and resilience of the people in Detroit is palpable.


Mapping Learner Experience

As students navigate their learning journey, we must deliver explicit, student-owned opportunities to set and map their course. Here's one strategy that think can be truly effective.

Schools Worth Visiting

XQ Super School Live Roundup

We believe it's important to be making a powerful case for new and innovative issues in education. Here's our take on the recent XQ Super School Live event.