Schools Worth Visiting
The Getting Smart team visits hundreds of schools each year and is grateful for the opportunity to see high-quality teaching and learning in action. This series features stories of schools that share best practices, lessons learned and next-gen teaching practices that support high-quality, personalized, project-based learning for all students.
The Learning Must Go On
How even the coronavirus couldn’t stop agile Asian schools from functioning. With robust learning systems in place, it’s ‘business as usual.’
Why and How to Open a Microschool
Distinctive pathways and competency-based learning are just two of the reasons why microschools are gaining popularity. A look at microschools in the U.S.
Alive With Possibility: 20 Tips for Creating Responsive Schools
Responsive schools create a culture of possibility for youth by giving voice to their interests today and exposing them to opportunities for tomorrow. They enable success in what’s next—in work, learning, and community service.
Teaching A Big School New Tricks: The Huntley 158 Competency Pilot
Despite coming with challenges, some communities choose big schools for some of the advantages they offer. And hundreds of those big suburban schools across the country are innovating to personalize learning and connect youth to meaningful postsecondary pathways.