The State of Creativity in America’s Schools
A Gallup study on the state of creativity in America’s schools revealed that opportunities are neither ubiquitous nor equitably distributed.
Beyond The Experience: HBCUs Are Growing and Making an Impact
HBCUs see enrollment surge, offering safe, supportive environments with expanded experiential learning for African American students.
Smart List: 50 Organizations Boosting College Access & Success
College access is a pressing issue in education equity. Today, we recognize 50 organizations spreading college awareness, boosting preparation and encouraging completion—with a special focus on low-income and first-generation students.
I Am a Teacher: A Pledge of Commitment and Unity
In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, we honor the dedication, commitment and time educators pledge to every day learners.
8 Things to Look For in a Student-Centered Learning Environment
From years of teaching in the classroom and countless school visits and interactions with excellent educators worldwide, I’ve created a list of things I commonly observe in great student-centered learning environments. Here are eight that stand out.
12 Shifts to Move from Teacher-Led to Student-Centered Environments
Kyle Wagner observes 12 fundamental shifts that can take a classroom from being a teacher-led experience to an engaging student-led one.
Project-Based Learning and the Middle School Mind
Middle school students need project-based learning environments to compete with the multitude of issues they face in their changing lives. There is nothing quite like the air of excitement when students are learning with their full attention and when they have a purpose for learning.
10 Challenges Deaf Students Face in the Classroom
By: Marilyn L. Weber. Here are 10 challenges that deaf and hard-of-hearing students often face in the classroom, along with guidelines for teachers on how to mitigate them.
The School as a Whole Community Resource
Schools can serve as dynamic centers of community engagement by sharing resources, involving guest professionals, and fostering mentorship, benefiting both students and the community.
Creating a Culture of Collaborative Family Engagement
As the spotlight has shifted to the role that families can play in education, many schools are scrambling to identify a starting point for how to invite families into student learning. Here are a few good considerations to keep in mind.