Cool Schools: 3 High School Options in Tacoma
We recently visited three innovative high schools in the Tacoma Public School District that provide the area's 28,000 students opportunities to explore passions and connect to the community in deeper ways than you see at most high schools.
Smart Review | SAM Labs Inventor Kit
By: Mary Ryerse. What do you get when a 9-year-old has the opportunity to make, invent, hack, have fun AND scare his older brothers? You get an engaged learner, a sense of fun and a lot of learning!
Maker Space Promotes Problem Solving & Computational Thinking
By: Karon Weber. At this year's ISTE 2016, Microsoft's pop-up maker space booth showed educators how creating a great maker space promoting problem-solving and computational thinking doesn’t have significantly drain resources.
9 Simple Steps that Inspire Inquiry-Based Learning in Science
By: Carole Wright. In my first year teaching fifth-grade science, I discovered these nine simple steps I used in my classroom that resulted in a strong inquiry-based learning experience for my students.
Smart Review | littleBits STEAM Student Set & STEAM Teacher PD
By: Matt Cohen. As a STEM and math teacher, I recently had the opportunity to explore and provide the Smart Review about the littleBits STEAM Student Set as well the littleBits STEAM online Professional Development.
Next Generation Science Standards Aligned Open Simulations and Tools
The funding needed to implement NGSS in schools unfortunately means some districts will be left out. However, here are several standards aligned open simulations and tools that can still provide access to this teaching and learning approach.
Smart Review | Science Comic Series is Fun Reading
In the past few years there’s been a small but steady stream of great new nonfiction comics and graphic novels produced. Here are two recent science-focused releases from a series that I would recommend as optional or supplemental classroom reading.
STEM And Making In Education Is Growing
By: TJ McCue. STEM/STEAM and maker education is an important aspect of how we remain competitive as a nation, and national support for these continues to grow through events like The National Week of Making and the White House Maker Faire.
18 Ways to Power Learner-Centered STEM Partnerships
Learner-Centered STEM takes powerful partnerships with people outside classroom walls, so here are 18 examples of partnerships making Learner-Centered STEM a reality for students at Harmony Public Schools.
EdTech 10: Going Deep with Deeper Learning
This year’s Deeper Learning conference focused on equity and entry points to deeper learning. From the maker movement to empathy hacks for school wide change, this conference covered the tangible and practical while also encouraging us all to advocate for equitable access to education for all students. Powerful student…