school visits
The World of Work — in Elementary School
Learn how Cajon Valley Union School District's World of Work program helps students "take responsibility for their own learning."
Middle and High Schools to Visit: 2018 Additions
School visits are the best way to stretch our conception of powerful learning--to learn from the best innovations in learning around the country and around the world. This year, we’re excited to add 16 schools to our running list of Middle and High Schools Worth Visiting.
The Power of Visiting Schools – How to Plan Your Next Visit
By: Loretta Goodwin. Organizing an effective tour takes time and effort. Going along on a tour requires dedication to one’s craft and a willingness to be open to new experiences. Here are some ways that tour organizers can optimize the experience.
Union High: How a Big School Makes Learning Personal
In some districts, big schools mean some young people, especially those that haven’t been well served or supported, to feel disconnected and fall through the cracks. Superintendent Kirt Hartzler explains that Union High School bucks the trend with a commitment to 100% graduation and college and career readiness for all students.