Personalized Learning Experiences: Why? And How?
There are many ways to provide personalized learning experiences within a classroom through a mixture of technology and simply shifting the focus of some traditional instructional methods and activities. Here are a few ways to get started.
Can Learning Management Systems Help Student-Led Learning?
By: Breanna Reynolds. When given the space and freedom to implement personalized learning in your dream classroom, how does one navigate scaling implementation for the masses? We need good learning management systems and we need them now.
8 Tech Tips for Differentiating in an Inclusion Classroom
As an inclusion classroom teacher, it became a priority for me to find ways to use technology to reach my students with disabilities. Here are eight of my favorite tech tips for differentiating in an inclusion classroom.
Platforms Have Transformed the Economy. Is Education Next?
In their new book, Platform Revolution, authors Geoffrey Parker, Marshall Van Alstyne and Sangeet Choudary explore how digital platforms are transforming our lives, especially in EdTech.