Lifelong Learning

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This podcast highlights developing trends in K-12 education, postsecondary and lifelong learning. Each week, Getting Smart team members interview students, leading authors, experts and practitioners in research, tech, entrepreneurship and leadership to bring listeners innovative and actionable strategies in education leadership.

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Lifelong Learning is the Antidote to the Shifting Workforce

By: The Skillrise Editorial Team. Along with the EdTech Center @ World Education, the Skillrise team is working to close digital divides and ensure that all learner-workers in the United States have opportunities to develop essential technology skills and digital resilience.

Future of Work

The Future Of Work Is About Humans

In Season 2, Episode 1 of SkillRise's Upskill with Edtech: Learners for Life podcast, Brandon Olszewski, Director of Research at ISTE, sits down with Tom Vander Ark to discuss why the future of work is actually about humans and uniquely human skills.

Future of Learning

Future Trend: Designing Schools for How Humans Learn

Schools should not only prepare students for active participation in a networked, global economy, but also for lifelong learning. To do this, there are five critical concepts when planning instruction design for the future to consider.