design thinking
When Humans, Not Systems, Run Schools
By: Andy Calkins. Andy discusses how the districts in NGLC's change management project have transitioned to home-based learning with rapid design of new systems and communication.
T3 Alliance: Turning a Crisis into an Educational Opportunity
By: Adam Low. Adam discusses how the T3 Alliance curriculum provides design thinking guidance and new structures that empower students to make a difference during times of crisis.
Where High School Starts with Leadership and Design Thinking
Imagine a high school that started with design thinking and leadership training. Imagine having the opportunity to prototype a solution to a community problem and earn a provisional patent. For students at a Kansas City high school, it's a reality.
Forward-Thinking Schools Begin With Forward-Thinking Design
By: Larry Spang and Emily Grandstaff-Rice. Arrowstreet, a Boston-based architecture and design firm, is dedicated to accentuating schools’ missions through thoughtful and strategic design, creating customized spaces that support today’s teaching styles and emphasize educational facilities’ unique purposes.
Students on Creating a Space For Students
MECA Challenge, a Kansas City initiative, challenges students to solve complex and real-world problems, like designing a museum space.
Market Your School With Design Thinking: Testing Makes Perfect
Testing, the fifth phase of the design thinking framework, requires careful user observation and continued dedication to confronting the challenge at hand.
Teaching Technology, Digital Literacy as Global Competencies
We can use technology to have our students transform their world and the world at large by ensuring their digital literacy.
Market Your School With Design Thinking: Troubleshooting Ideas With Prototyping
Prototyping is the fourth phase of the design thinking framework. When prototyping school marketing, contribution is key to keeping creativity flowing.
Market Your School With Design Thinking: Best Practices For Ideation
Ideation and brainstorming are practices used by nearly every business and organization. These tips make it a more effective and varied experience.
Design Thinking For School Marketing: Defining the Challenge
Oftentimes challenges are not fully defined, and as a result, the solution doesn’t stick. Defining a problem is about moving past assumptions and reconciling data and observation.