common core
Smart Procurement: EdTech & Learning Games
Moving beyond flipped and blended classrooms to networks of schools that work better for students and teachers requires a new level of collaboration.
Machine Scoring of Essays Means Better Tests for Less
The ASAP Pricing Study, published today, addresses these cost questions. The paper concludes that, "In a higher quality assessment, human scoring of student essays can comprise over 60 percent of the total cost of the assessment. Automating this scoring process holds tremendous promise in making higher quality assessments affordable."
Testing: Why We Need More of It. Lots More.
Let’s give testing back the power to enrich and improve learning. And if the role if high-stakes testing is to ensure equity, let’s focus on making the tests equitable. Or are we too addicted to a simplistic view of tests, to causation/correlation fallacies, and to outdated metaphors of school to make abundant access to tests available to all students, parents, and teachers?
Nonprofit DigiLEARN Seeks Innovation & Acceleration
The Digital Learning Institute, DigiLEARN, officially launched this week to accelerate digital learning and education innovation. The non-profit organization was founded and will be chaired by former North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue, with former Wyoming Gov. Jim Geringer serving as vice chair.
New Paper: Deeper Learning For Every Student Every Day
Last month we launched a preview of our new white paper, “Deeper Learning For Every Student Every Day,” and today we’ve launched the full paper including all 20 of our Deeper Learning school profiles.
Crowdsourcing Districts For the Core
With a new pilot from UClass, districts are offered the opportunity to build an online PLN, exclusive to their district, offering a one-stop hub for curriculum solutions making it easy for teachers to find, share and organize district-wide resources.
Literacy Design Collaborative Launches CoreTools
Yesterday, LDC launched CoreTools, a teacher-created online instructional platform to guide teachers through a curriculum design and professional development experience that enables them to master the instructional shifts of the Common Core.
$12M Gates Grant Supports Literacy Tools for Teachers
With a $12M Gates Foundation grant, the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) launched CoreTools, a teacher-created online instructional platform to guide teachers through a curriculum design and PD experience that enables them to master the instructional shifts of the Common Core.
6 Ways Common Core Math Standards Will Affect Your Child’s Education
Even outside of education circles, many people have heard of the Common Core State Standards for education. These standards represent a shift in philosophy towards higher standards for students. However, this shift in thinking brings a number of changes to the mathematics education that your child will receive.
Video: Common Core and Digital Learning
Common Core State Standards set high expectations for America's students, developed by teachers, in a process initiated by governors and state education leaders across the nation.