common core

Ed Policy

14 Developments to Watch for in 2014

It's been a big year for innovations in learning. If 2012 was the year of the MOOC, 2013 was the year blended learning went mainstream--even schools that were just layering tabs on top of an obsolete model called it "blended." The following are 14 developments to watch for in 2014.

Personalized Learning

The Power of Student Work

The Common Core, however, will necessarily generate thousands of examples of high quality student work. If we are able to share these examples, teachers, students and parents will be able to see what both “off” and “on goal” work looks like.


Closing the Motivation Gap

The fact that the best professors in the world are making their courses freely available is an important milestone in learning opportunity, but MOOCs are largely serving the college educated seeking additional education.

Personalized Learning

Teaching Common Core Through Integrated History and Language Arts

We will walk participants through the websites to highlight how we use them in our integrated History/Language Arts model, focusing specifically on the Zoot Suit Riots and Scopes Monkey Trial. As an English teacher, it is my responsibility to support literacy across the disciplines. If History is an account of the past, Language Arts is how we tell the stories.

Personalized Learning

4 Tools to Connect Students to Real World Math

While interdisciplinary units and project based learning are powerful methods of helping students connect school learning to the real world, I suspect many teachers reading this post might be looking for some ideas for use right away, perhaps even tomorrow. Here are some resources that are ready and waiting for use, regardless of your tech comfort zone.

Ed Policy

Pearson Partnerships for Principal Development

Michael Fullan's most recent work is also soon to be released in partnership with Pearson as a series of 6 sequential online modules for superintendents and school leaders, and is centered on Fullan'sMotion Leadership™ concept and practices for guiding system-wide change.