
Personalized Learning

Hey Mom, Can We Code This Weekend?

I was asked this by our eight year old son, Luke, just a few days ago. What prompted it? He got to make a device upon which he could also game, and would eventually code.


10 Coding & Computer Science Blogs to Bookmark

In celebration of Hour of Code and Computer Science Education Week (December 7-11) we dug into the Getting Smart vault to share our top 10 favorite coding and computer science blogs. They are packed full of resources for educators, parents, students and thought leaders.

Personalized Learning

A Challenge to Bring Making Into Hour of Code

For Hour of Code, dig deeper below the surface of computer science. I'll even offer a specific activity to try out, even if you're not a computer science expert: Challenge your students to build a mechanical 4-bit Boolean adder, inventing their own physical logic gates.

Difference Making

How Will Machine Learning Impact Your Life?

Machine learning is supporting the development of new tools. So what does this mean for millennials and their careers? "Familiarize yourself with all the things that computers do in your line of work, so that you can become a close collaborator with them,” says Tom Davenport.