10 Coding & Computer Science Blogs to Bookmark

In celebration of Hour of Code and Computer Science Education Week (December 7-11) we dug into the Getting Smart vault to share our top 10 favorite coding and computer science blogs. They are packed full of resources for educators, parents, students and thought leaders. How are you celebrating the week? Share your stories, resources and pictures by tagging us on Twitter & Facebook and using the #HourofCode hashtag.

3 Reasons Coding Should Be a Core Subject

The results are in and a majority of parents agree that coding should be a core subject. Mark Engelberg shares why in today’s digital world, when we teach our kids critical thinking and logic skills through computer science, we are programming them for success.

Why Coding is College and Career Prep

Tyler Nakatsu shares five important reasons for expanding access to coding learning experiences in K-12. He argues the ability to code can level the playing field and provide access to postsecondary and well paying jobs.

Coding in the Classroom: So Much More Than An Hour

Teaching students to code today well could mean the need to completely re-think the way we’ve done education. Greg Garner shares his argument why it’s time to move past just one hour.

Coding for the Future

Megan Mead presses readers to take coding to the next level. Coding and Computer Science can support the next generation of learners — learners who will tackle even the most challenging of problems with anticipation and drive.

The Transition from Cursive to Coding

Getting Smart all-star blogger Adam Renfro describes that programming pushes students to research, plan, outline, collaborate, test, troubleshoot, and retest. It’s brain intensive language study that requires syntax and style.


Do We Really Need to Teach Coding?

Hear eight of Pearson’s computer programmers share their stories of knowing how to code and how that has led them to success and also their beliefs about why students should learn to code.

Experts Weigh in on K-12 Coding & CS Resources

Tom Vander Ark shares what happens when a big city superintendent called and asked for recommendations for K-12 resources for teaching coding and computer science. The team reached out to some folks in the know and provided this summary of what we learned.

Coding in the Classroom: Here to Stay

Embracing coding may seem like a daunting task, but Eric Nentrup explains the domino effect created by the demand for amazing technology is likewise leading to a demand for skilled workers to engineer and program.

Coding Is Not Just For Computer Programmers

Does coding teach us to think? James Walker (and Steve Jobs) argues it does. Quite simply coding is a tool for understanding how technology works.


Teaching Kids to Code: An Economic & Social Justice Issue

As Tom Vander Ark explains there are a growing cluster of job skills that require coding, but too many schools aren’t teaching the skill — particularly schools attended by low income and minority students.

For more on coding, check out:

Caroline Vander Ark

Caroline is President of Getting Smart.

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Super blog






Outstanding blog

TechyKids Canada

This is such an interesting list and would help many to learn new thing about coding. The way how technology is evolving, having coding knowledge can help them strive in this digital age!

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