Artificial Intelligence

Difference Making

How Will Machine Learning Impact Your Life?

Machine learning is supporting the development of new tools. So what does this mean for millennials and their careers? "Familiarize yourself with all the things that computers do in your line of work, so that you can become a close collaborator with them,” says Tom Davenport.


Machine Learning: The New Infrastructure for Everything

Enter the rise of machine learning--programming computers to learn from data. With a good machine learning algorithm more data means more learning. Machine learning draws from neuroscience, evolution, psychology, physics, and statistics to build better algorithms.


Osmo: Playing Outside the Screen

Osmo is a great way for young minds to see the bridge between the digital and physical worlds. It's a brilliant optical device that has advanced AI programming under the hood.

Personalized Learning

How Augmented Reality Can Change Teaching

The technology behind Augmented Reality is taking a real-world view and enhancing it with computer-generated imagery. Whether this is done by using a computer monitor and camera or fitted goggles to imprint imagery in the lenses, augmenting in this manner has great possibilities for a variety of tasks.