Getting Smart Podcast | Project Based Engineering at Olin College
In this episode of the Getting Smart podcast, Tom and Bonnie discuss how project-based learning is more important than ever for students to succeed and share an interview with Olin College of Engineering students who experience project-based engineering.
Getting Smart Podcast | The Voices of Tomorrow’s Leaders
Student leaders at this year's iNACOL's Symposium shared how they reimagined and personalized their own educations to overcome many challenges in their lives and succeed in school.
Getting Smart Podcast | Big Picture Learning in the Real World
Andrew Frishman, co-executive director of Big Picture Learning, chats with Tom in this episode of our podcast about what educating "one student at a time" means in real terms in schools across the United States.
Getting Smart Podcast | Experiencing Place-Based Education at Teton Science Schools
I had the opportunity to spend two days in the beautiful Teton Mountain range experiencing my own place-based learning at Teton Science Schools. Join me on this "audio field trip" for your own place-based experience.
Getting Smart Podcast | Building 21st Century Skills
David Ross, the new CEO of the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, sat down with Bonnie Lathram to talk about the current golden age of project-based learning and how it connects to the importance of social and emotional learning.
Getting Smart Podcast | Attacking the Global Skills Gap
Mona Mourshed discusses how the Generation social initiative she leads is closing the global youth unemployment gap by placing disconnected young adults in jobs and giving them the skills and support they need for continued success.
Getting Smart Podcast | Good Work at University Academy
University Academy is a K-12 charter school, located in Kansas City, Missouri, that we think is one of the best college prep schools in the country. In this podcast, we chat with school leadership on what makes this school so successful and unique.
Getting Smart Podcast | Dr. Daniel Siegel on the Teenage Mind
Dr. Dan Siegel of Mindsight Institute discusses the importance of promoting strong relationships in the learning process while working with young students, focusing efforts on growing their Social-Emotional and Academic Development (SEAD).
Getting Smart Podcast | Leading Personalized Learning: State Policy Advice & Successes
In this podcast, we chat with Utah Preparing Students Today for a Rewarding Tomorrow (UPSTART) champion Senator Howard Stephenson, about his successful leadership on state policy for personalized learning.
Getting Smart Podcast | The Ripple Effect: Creating Community Change through Schools
Drew Perkins, director of PD for TeachThought, chats about project-based learning as the catalyst for a positive and widespread ripple effect in schools that results in positive community change.