Smart Parents

We spend a lot of our time creating and sharing resources for educators and parents (who are often one and the same audience). Time and time again, we observe that families are left out of the equation when it comes to determining the primary audience for education reports, papers and articles—even though they are among the hungriest for informed opinions that can help them. Smart Parents is a blog series for parents, by parents who are navigating educational opportunities + making powerful decisions for and with their students. Learn more in Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning.

Personalized Learning

Parents as Chief Advocates

By: Nancy Weinstein. In this letter to parents everywhere, Nancy writes about her experience as her daughter's chief advocate. Nancy knows parents have to advocate for their children. As a psychologist once told her, "You must become the expert in your child's problems." Here's her inspiring story as her child's Chief Advocate.

Personalized Learning

3 Ways Parents Can Spot Student-Centered Learning

What can parents look for to determine if their child is in a student-centered learning environment? Here’s advice from a mother of two school-aged children, a former classroom teacher and a current advocate for student-centered learning.

Personalized Learning

What Personalized Learning Means in My Family

What a school looks like that prepares students for meaningful, authentic work and meaningful relationships, what we still need to provide our kids for real personalized learning, and how our family promotes this kind of education at home.

Personalized Learning

If Ever There Was a Kid Born to Read

What happens when two self-described bookworms have a son who would choose to learn by doing and seeing instead of reading and how as parents they teach to his learning preference.