My School Information Design Challenge

My School Information Design Challenge
Authored by The Foundation for Excellence in Education
Download Building a Better School Performance Report Card for Parents & Students
Download Building State Capacity for Powerful School Information: Results of the My School Information Design Challenge
The #SchoolInfo challenge is an effort to provide parents with necessary information to make informed decisions about their student’s education, and to inform policymakers with information for reform strategies.
In the fall of 2014, The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd) launched the My School Info Design Challenge (#SchoolInfo) with support from Getting Smart. Fueled by research from Education Commission of the States (ECS) and ExcelinEd that revealed that school information is difficult to find and interpret by parents, community members and other stakeholders, the competition sought top designers to reimagine state level school report cards.
Two main publications supported this challenge:
Building a Better School Performance Report Card for Parents & Students
Gives an in-depth look at the research behind the challenge, submission requirements and overall challenge objectives.
Building State Capacity for Powerful School Information: Results of the My School Information Design Challenge
Shares the findings, implications, implementation and next steps for states now that we’re armed with a number of powerful design examples. States have an important opportunity to take these designs and use them to help create their own report cards. New standards, assessments, ability to measure growth and innovative learning models have provided us with new student achievement data that states should be eager to share.
The good news is, the My School Information Design Challenge worked. Designers were engaged in helping develop a new, 21st century reporting strategy that better presents important school performance information. While the challenge worked, the work is not yet done! A prize purse of $35,000 was up for grabs with additional awards given for public voting favorites and designers were urged to join ExcelinEd and Getting Smart in moving education into the modern information era by reimagining report cards.
Designers are available to help and the submissions are open-sourced. ExcelinEd also has members of their advocacy team ready to help support state efforts and make connections to help impact accountability efforts.
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