SEL & Mindset
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the deliberate commitment to including a framework of essential skills and dispositions that complement academics but historically have not been a part of curricular design. Learners acquire and effectively apply the skills necessary for self-regulation or managing and talking about emotions, forming relationships, setting goals and demonstrating empathy during their learning.
Take Charge of Your Learning: Passions and Career Interests Will Follow
By: Matt Schultz. The old age theory of "learning by doing' lends students real world experience to understand what their future career passions and interests are.
Next Generation Career Pathways: A Manufacturing Case Study
In this paper, we assert that new market demands are shaping next generation career and technical education opportunities. The rise of anywhere, anytime learning and competency-based approaches provides the opportunity for Career and Technical Education programs to lead the way in terms of applying blended, competency-based education in practical ways.
Personalizing and Guiding College & Career Readiness
A DLN Smart Series paper that offers details on processes, existing tools and best practices for creating a system of student guidance and support.
Infographic: College and Career Readiness GPS for Every Student
This infographic previews the next DLN Smart Series paper, “Core & More: Guiding and Personalizing College & Career Readiness” being released Thursday.
Defining (and Driving) Collaboration
By: Jordan Lippman. In today's world, both employers and educational institutions place a high value on soft skills that are transferable across professional, academic, and social situations. One of the most frequently cited skills is collaboration.