SEL & Mindset

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the deliberate commitment to including a framework of essential skills and dispositions that complement academics but historically have not been a part of curricular design. Learners acquire and effectively apply the skills necessary for self-regulation or managing and talking about emotions, forming relationships, setting goals and demonstrating empathy during their learning.

SEL & Mindset

Developing Self-Directed Learners

Growth of the freelance- and gig-economy makes self-direction an imperative, and the learner experience is crucial when it comes to designing environments where students can learn to be self-directed.

Future of Learning

How Dialogue Teaches Critical Thinking and Empathy

By: Dr. Ian Jamison. Students see misleading information and heated exchanges on the internet every day. How can we help them develop the ability to shun the vitriolic exchanges that can happen online and learn to engage in true, productive dialogue?