Posts by Christina Gil
6 Small Steps To Shift Toward Project-Based Learning
If you are new to project-based learning you don’t have to make the shift all at once. Here are a six baby steps that you can take to begin shifting your classroom toward PBL.
5 Solutions to Teaching Students Writing
For teachers trying to get students engaged in writing, the process can seem like an uphill battle. Here are five reasons why many teachers avoid writing like the plague, and my simple solutions to those problems.
How To Get Your Students Writing Without Burning Yourself Out
Being able to write well is important in life, and the more practice students have the better. However, it can lead to a lot for one teacher to read, so an English teacher shares three tips for getting students to write more without burning yourself out.
How To Undo the Backfire Effect with Next-Gen Students
When confronted with facts that dispute already-held beliefs, people often believe more strongly, not less. Here's how to help your students overcome that tendency and become self-aware critical thinkers.
Eight Things Students Should Know About The New Media Literacy
What can educators do about the spread of fake news and their students' inability to recognize when they have been fooled? Teaching them these eight lessons is a good start.
6 Tips for Effective ‘Student-Teacher’ Writing Conferences
Teaching writing is not easy, especially if you have a large class with multiple students who need help. So here are are my six tips for holding efficient and mutually beneficial student-teacher writing conferences.
5 Ways to Teach Students to Think for Themselves
21st-century learning means preparing students for a world that we can’t even imagine where they will need skills to think for themselves. Here are five ways we can start preparing them for future success.
6 Suggestions for Using Mentor Texts in the Classroom
I've found that using mentor texts in my classroom is an effective way to get students to explore, develop and stretch their own writing. Here are six steps I suggest for implementing mentor texts in the classroom.