Project-Based Learning
(PBL) is an instructional approach where traditional, direct classroom instruction and tests are replaced by authentic, often interdisciplinary projects, usually designed by the student with guidance from instructors/coaches, addressing real-world problems as the assessment instead of a test. It also is closely related to deeper learning, challenge-based learning, interest-based learning and more.
Empower Online Learners: Top 10 Pro Tips for Project Design and Delivery
Here's how to empower your online learners though 10 project designs and deliveries.
Teaching Social Justice and Anti-Racism: 5 Engaging Project Ideas
Kyle Wagner shares 5 project ideas educators can adopt to explore social justice and anti-racism learning.
Cool New Schools
The Getting Smart team explores nine cool new schools that launched this fall which build on place-based opportunities and accelerating real world learning.
Students as Coauthors of Learning: A Resources Guide
By inviting learners to coauthor experiences we help them build the most important skills and dispositions they’ll need to succeed in a changing world. Tom shares coauthoring resources for project-based learning, teacher tools and competencies, a list of systems that are best in class.
Building a Capstone Program: Rooting Education in the Growing Capacities of Youth
Capstones have the power to create a unique academic identity rooted in learner empowerment, relevance, and authenticity. Aaron Schorn shares the first steps in building a Capstone program.
Microlearning – Is Small the New Big Idea?
In a big world where platforms dominate, how can small, agile players shape the ecosystem? In education, how can microlearning - microschools and bite-sized learning - change the laying of the land?
One Stone Students Serve Up the Glass Half Full
One Stone hosted their annual fundraiser One Half Event virtually and saw great success. Here is a recap.
The Rise of Skills-Based Hiring And What it Means for Education
The pandemic broke some old conventions and accelerated other trends. One convention that, for many tech employers, fell by the wayside was requiring degrees for every position. A trend that accelerated during the pandemic was skills-based hiring. For decades, degree requirements have been added to more and more jobs. The…
The 5 Steps of Design Thinking Help Drive School Improvements
How can educators ensure a commitment to continuous improvement? Long-time educator and former engineer, Ben Owens, explores one of the most powerful tools: design thinking.
The Trail to Recovery: Addressing Learning Gaps Through Project-Based Learning
Teachers need to address COVID-caused learning gaps through pedagogical approaches associated with high-quality project-based learning.