The Future of Tech and Work
The Future of Tech and Work is how human beings work and the tools they use and will use in the future. For those interested in big data, the internet of things (IOT), block chain, artificial intelligence (AI), IOT, computer science and coding.
10 Questions Worth Asking to Help Every Student Succeed
Tom shares three trends and 10 questions to ask that were discussed at the Education Writers Association meeting.
Review: The Future of Jobs and Job Training
With the emergence of new educational and training programs to suit the changing job market, what does a graduate profile look like? In this post, I look at PEW Research's recent report: The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training.
The Two Most Important Technologies Of Our Time Are Also The Most Dangerous
By: Barry Schuler. Artificial Intelligence and Gene Editing are the two most important technologies of our time, and so powerful we can't predict the outcomes of their future impact. Are we evolved enough to develop them responsibly?
On the Brink of Massive Change: Is This The Future You Want?
Our world is going to look drastically different over the next two decades. Here are four primary reasons teachers, parents and students should pay attention to artificial intelligence--it's time to #AskAboutAI.
RAMTEC Robotics: A Path to Employment & Economic Development
RAMTEC, a robotics program at Tri-Rivers Career Center in Ohio, is graduating hundreds of robotics-ready students prepared for careers and further advanced skills learning.
The Technologies Reshaping Life and Livelihood
AI is rapidly reshaping the employment landscape, and given the opportunities and challenges this creates it is a topic every school community should be discussing with students.
Want to Solve a Problem? Get Smart, Build a Dataset, Apply Smart Tools
Here are seven examples of impact entrepreneurs demonstrating the Cause + Code formula as they choose a problem, develop some domain expertise, build a dataset and apply smart tools in order to make a difference in the world.
The Rise of AI Demands Project-Based Learning
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise, and interviews with leaders in several different fields about AI point to the same thing: an increasing importance in self-directed learning--lifelong, often project-based and (when possible) with a diverse team.
#AskAboutAI: Informing Educators, Parents and Policymakers About Life With Smart Machines
Artificial Intelligence will have more influence on the lives of young people over the next few decades than any other factor, so our #AskAboutAI campaign is investigating the implications smart machines will have on employment, learning and ethical issues.
Tell Kids to Get Good at Stuff Smart Machines Can’t Do (Yet)
Smart machines will change the face of the economy, and today's young people will need a different set of skills to succeed than past generations did. In particular, they will need to get good at things machines can not do.