Rapid Path for Proven Performers is Great; Also Need Innovation Authorization
We can do better. It's time for states to update 20 year old charter laws and for states new to the game to take a more innovative approach.
Year in Review: Top 10 Headlines of 2011
Getting Smart has witnessed some exciting news and trends throughout 2011. Today we've showcased our 10 most read headlines of 2011.
What Guides Your Work? And, Why Do You Teach What You Teach?
In my last post, Why do you teach? And, why do you stay?, I hoped to start a conversation about teaching -- why in the world are we here, and what keeps us here? I now want to look at what guides our work, and why we teach what we teach. For most of my teaching career, I did not know why I taught what I taught, or I thought I knew, but didn’t.
Visions of Personalized Learning in Denver
While some schools are buying truckloads of tablets, thoughtful districts are holding conversations about the potential of personalized learning. The right first step, as recommended in the Blended Learning Implementation Guide, is starting with clear goals and a sound strategy.
Happy 2nd Bday: Chrome & Edmodo
Google's browser Chrome is about to overtake Firefox as the top TechCrunch reading browser. Edmodo added user number 500,000 today--what a cool birthday present. Teachers love Edmodo because it makes it easy and safe to share the web.
10 edu-entrepreneurial opportunities
With the Race to the Top language out, it’s time to refine the list of opportunities for education entrepreneurs (both .org & .com). From largest to niche size they include: 1. School improvement: between RTT, Inovation, and School Improvement, there will be a couple billion…
The New Equity Agenda
Nearing a quarter of the school populations, Hispanic students are general not well served by U.S. K-12 education. Here’s five state policies that would help:
How Superintendents Can Implement Broadband Upgrade Projects
By: Evan Marwell. 'Network Essentials for Superintendents' is a new and FREE guide for EdLeaders on how to kick-off and lead successful broadband and network upgrades.
NewSchools Presents: Education Entrepreneurs on the Future of Education
NewSchools, a venture fund working to transform education by supporting entrepreneurs, wrapped up its inspiring Education Entrepreneurs series yesterday with a closing video from several of its featured edupreneurs over the past four weeks.
Open High School of Utah Offers 30 Semesters of OERs
Open High School of Utah, a public charter school, announced today that it will offer its curriculum from 30 semesters of content in math, science, language arts, social studies and electives as an open educational resource (OER) on its website repository.