smart cities
New Schools Flourish in Phoenix
We've been visiting cities all over the country and, for places like Phoenix, it's clear that any city making progress in education is doing so with an active intermediation layer.
Smart Cities Need Great Schools, The Best Antidote to Poverty
Here are seven standout elements for creating environments, that are important when creating great schools, the best long term antidote to the cycle of poverty.
Good Work: 5 Strategies for Developing Your Mental Model
Media stock plummeted this week. Investors updated their mental models of the media world. It's more important than ever that we improve owr mental model by reading broadly and deeply, seeking feedback, writing and managing your mindset.
Five Trends Demand Smart States
Innovation is sustained by advocacy and policy, and that makes the role of state leadership and policy essential. Smart Cities focuses on urban areas, but these keys apply to states as well. State leaders should aspire to creating an environment that works for everyone.