The Road Ahead for Vegas
Former Colorado commissioner Dwight Jones took on a big new challenge as Clark County superintendent. He recently released A Look Ahead, a roadmap for improvement of Las Vegas schools.
Digital Learning Now for Charters
With less funding than traditional schools, charters have more incentive to find solutions that can boost achievement and reduce operating costs.
Changing the Learning Curve
Using digital learning and personalized learning there is a way to change the learning curve, especially during major budget cuts.
Phi Slamma Jamma
Marc Anderson of the Daily Cougar, a student newspaper at the University of Houston penned possibly one of the worst op-ed pieces of 2011.
Persistence Could be Key to Fluency
Understanding the mechanics of problem solving is one part of math competency. The ability to apply that knowledge in a variety of settings including quick estimations—procedural fluency—is an equally important aspect. There’s lots of research behind Carnegie Learning’s math program but they thought they were better a problem solving than procedural fluency and, for that, they turned to games.
10 Reports on the Near Future of Learning
If you want to learn more about the future of learning, here’s a list of the ten most important reports for you to read.
Customize Learning for Student Success
CCSSO and iNACOL hosted a competency-based learning summit where the focus was the shift from time and tradition to kids, learning and the importance of personalized digital learning.
It’s Not a Matter of Time
CCSSO and iNACOL believe that it is not a matter of time. Their summit in Denver highlights a system that has clear expectations, robust instructional options and verifies that students have met the expectations.
iNACOL Report: Clearing the Path for Innovation
"Competency-based approaches offer a new value proposition for our education system," according to Susan Patrick, President and CEO of iNACOL.
Joel Klein Reflecting, Reform Symposium and Media Bullpen
Joel Klein interview and reports & articles of note