The Road Ahead for Vegas
Former Colorado commissioner Dwight Jones took on a big new challenge as Clark County superintendent. The district that includes Las Vegas is the fifth largest in the country. In May, superintendent Jones issued A Look Ahead. Jones describes the goal as “ready by exit.” “Ready” means prepared to step into college or other postsecondary opportunities and compete without remediation.
Dwight’s visions includes “completely new ways of doing business.” He suggests a laser-like focus in four areas:
- Harness breakthrough innovation and redefine how schooling is accomplished
- Fully tap the potential of a new model of schooling
- Align resources to our highest priorities and execute with precision
- Continue to do what works and stop doing what does not
The plan outlines thoughtful technology integration. “Hybrid education that combines technology-assisted remote learning with more-tradi- tional, face-to-face education has the potential to create more-engaged learning and trans- form how we think about class size.”
Dwight’s comments on ROI are striking, “our intent is to maximize return on investment for those who own our schools, namely taxpayers. Better solutions become possible when we grasp our respective roles: taxpayers own the schools, students and parents are our clients, businesses and postsecondary institutions are the customers who receive our graduates, and foundations and communities are our partners.”
With Tom, Jones serves as a director of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL).
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