Future of work

Smart Work

A Decade of Getting Smart

Over the last decade, the Getting Smart team along with dedicated guest authors and columnists have covered what’s next and what is possible in education. Our posts range from innovations in learning spaces, student agency, to AI—providing our readers the opportunity to learn about emerging trends and see themselves as…

Future of Work

Solving Interesting Problems With an Entrepreneurial Mindset

By: Mason Pashia. As the workplace continues to shift, leadership and agility are becoming necessary for all members of a team. An entrepreneurial mindset consists of many of the most useful skills for the future. And no, it doesn’t mean starting your own company.

Future of Learning

5 Ways PBL Facilitates Lifelong Learning

Our ability to continually and effectively learn, as independently as possible, will determine our future success in the global economy as much as anything. Project-based learning fosters this lifelong learning mindset in students that will carry them forward for their future careers.