family engagement
Family Playlists: A New Approach to Family Engagement
Family engagement is hard to get right, but more and more research continues to be released that reinforces the importance of having an adult be involved in students’ learning at home. Family Playlists is a new tool with an interesting approach.
K12 Insight Facilitating District Customer Service
Effectively addressing complaints and concerns at the district level can be time-consuming enough to distract from innovations in actual learner experiences, which in most cases should be a higher priority. In this post, we look at a tool that can help.
How to Talk to Parents About Your School’s EdTech
It's only natural for parents to feel some concern over the use of EdTech in their children's schools. Here are some tips for educators and EdLeaders who are facing these concerns, along with some tools you can use to demonstrate EdTech's potential efficacy.
Smart Review | Bridging the Language Barrier with TalkingPoints
As a parent, I can’t even begin to describe how important I think home to school/school to home communication is for my sanity and my child’s success. Unfortunately, for parents with limited English knowledge, this can be a real challenge. This app can help.
Engaging Parents to Engage Learners: Digital Portfolios Can Make it Happen
By: Chris Besse. Digital portfolios are bringing parents into the classroom in a very powerful way--here's why they work.
The Results Are In: Kindergarten Transition Programs Work
By: Philip dela Houssaye and Fernando Madrid. Starting kindergarten off on the right foot is one of the strongest indicators of a child’s success in school. Here are four key takeaways from our district’s Early Kindergarten Transition (EKT) program.
A Gifted Ed Teacher’s Secrets to Success
By: Stephen Noonoo. Gifted education teacher Alison Alowonle shares how she keeps her exceptional students (and their families) engaged in their learning process, as well as advice for those interested in getting involved as an educator in the space.
Partnering with Parents on Social-Emotional Learning
Because SEL is grounded in the understanding that the best learning emerges in the context of supportive relationships, partnering with parents and helping them understand the importance of SEL can have a dramatic impact on the development of our students.
How to Reduce Barriers to Family Engagement
In a recent survey, 18,000+ parents and guardians were asked to share more about their barriers to engaging with their child’s school. Here are the most common barriers nationwide, and potential next steps for addressing these challenges.
Smart Review | Tested: An Education Documentary
This documentary follows New York City middle school students as they prepare for the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT), hoping to be one of the very small group of students admitted to three prestigious specialized NYC high schools.